Do you want to escape the cold temperatures in Northern Europe? Then just come to to the south…Anyway you have to do an internship for your studies or for the completion of your education and where could it be more beautiful than under the palm trees? We are looking forward to receiving your application.

Is it possible for you to realize an internship for 3 to 6 months?
A 5 *****hotel on Gran Canaria is looking for a short term trainee in the reception area. The hotel offers to you free board and accommodation and also pays a pocket money of 300 € per month.

Bit by bit you will learn all tasks in the hotel reception and try to apply them. These include the check-in of guests, inform the guests about the hotel services, answer questions from the guests, answer the phone, change money currencies, handle international correspondence, enter data of reservations to the hotel-specific computer program, check-out of guests and much more.

You will learn from your more experienced colleagues and a lot is “learning by doing”. You’ll be able to gain new experiences in a multicultural environment and learn how to apply your theoretical knowledge into practice.
Currently you are studying or you are realising a vocational training in hotel management, leisure, tourism, foreign language correspondence, communications, office management, business administration, etc. It makes you happy to work with many people of different nationalities, you like to communicate with them, you have a friendly personality and you can still smile even in stressful situations. You should already be able to speak a bit of Spanish.

Take your chance to add an exclusive 5 star hotel to your resumé. Just send us your CV with photo to:

Your s-w-e-p-Team! 🙂