Costa Rica – Spanish language, impressive nature, unfamiliar culture…

Recently, s-w-e-p also organizes hotel work placements in Costa Rica.

The country in Central America is approximately 11 flight hours away from Europe. Costa Rica has a lot to offer – but there are also some things you have to keep in mind.

Before you take the decision to do an internship in Costa Rica, you should be aware of the fact, that Costa Rica cannot be compared with Europe. The level of poverty is very high and there is a great number of people suffering from poverty. Even though none of our interns’ was robbed in Costa Rica, we would like to point out that you have to take care of your valuables like your money, mobile phone, camera, etc., especially because you are in a poor country. On the other side, the locals are really open-minded and helpful. The Middle American country is known for its very friendly, happy and relaxed atmosphere.

For a hotel work placement in Costa Rica you should have intermediate Spanish skills because the most locals are unable to speak in English. Moreover, it is usual that the employees as well as our interns work 6 days per week. In other words, the Costa Rican workers have a 48 hours week with just one day off. However, their workload is quite different than the workload in our culture as for example the work attitude is more relaxed. You cannot expect that everything is planned in detail. And that is the point: While you are realizing your internship in Costa Rica you have to get used to the way how the locals handle their tasks and you will learn to deal with the unfamiliar working style.

During your internship you will further improve your Spanish skills and you will gain valuable experiences in the hotel industry. In your leisure time, you can discover the unique landscape and the flora and fauna by visiting the beautiful national parks. Furthermore, you can go for a daytrip to the capital San José. We also recommend you a trip to the neighboring country Panama – it is definitely worth and we are sure you will enjoy it!

Until now we have organized various internships in Costa Rica and all our interns were totally impressed by the unique, beautiful landscape and the great diversity of the country.

By realizing a hotel work placement in Costa Rica, you will develop your own personality for sure. You will gain invaluable experiences that will accompany you your whole life, and you will have memories that last forever. Due to the beautiful nature, there are many things to see and explore. For example: Rainforests, cloud forests, beautiful sand beaches, flora and fauna, volcanic landscapes etc.

To get more information about Costa Rica, please go to “Locations – Costa Rica”.

If you are interested in having a relaxed time with less party nights but with plenty of adventures and experiences in the nature, then Costa Rica could be the right country for your hotel internship! 🙂

Your s-w-e-p team